Monday, January 10, 2011

Cool Kid: Gordie Morton

Gordie Morton is a photographer/artist from the Metro Detroit area. He is currently studying photography at Central Michigan University. Additionally, Gordie is interested in graphic design. He states, "I'm pretty into graphic design. Sometimes Ill combine some random shit with some of my photographs to make some crazy weird image like the octopus tentacles hanging out of my mouth." Cool!

His eye for natural tones, unique angles, and diverse subject matter make for some beautiful photographs. Also, his use of props creates an emotional response within each and every viewer that is mysterious and undeniable at the same time.

So what makes Gordie tick?

"I really dig the instant gratification photography brings, and its a way to make the impossible look possible," said Morton, "Photography wise, Gage Young and Sam Doyle have some pretty sick shit, and music is also a huge inspiration."

Check out some of his dope ass photos below and make sure to check him out HERE or follow him on tumblr HERE!

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