Thursday, January 19, 2012

My Thoughts: Initiative

Sometimes a single moment can change the way you think about something.

Last semester I wrote a paper that said I didn't really have strong views on any particular subject and wouldn't go out of the way to change it. My instructor said, "Really?!"

Since then I have reflected on his response and two minor issues inspired me to speak up. The first one was SOPA and PIPA. I began researching the bills and was upset when I found out about the repercussions of the internet if it passed. Especially for me because I'm a blogger. I realized the possible effects it could have on our website so I emailed my state rep and signed a petition.

The second issue that came up was the state of CMU's weight room. Its a place I spend a lot of time at and the cleanliness of it is terrible. Debris on the floor, weights all over, nothing is re-racked, etc. So I decided I would email the director and inform him. Low and behold he emailed me back and the gym looked 10 times better today!

Both of these things are small and minuscule but I took the initiative to speak up. And you should too! The second story is proof that even one person can make a difference.


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