Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Thoughts: Women Control Sex

Read the title of this post. I’m serious. Read it out loud with me, “Women Control Sex.”  Now say it one more time, “Women Control Sex.”  Now swear to god on your mother’s life that you will never say those words again.

I don’t know what this society has come too but I believe it is pathetic that almost every person I get into a conversation about who controls sex in a relationship argues that it is always the girl. Am I the only one who listened growing up when the big kids said, “Grow some balls?" Sex shouldn’t be “controlled”  by anyone in a relationship.

Let’s get serious. Throughout history women have been violated and enslaved and raped by millions of men. This was largely until the 19th century when women’s rights really took off in the United States. (Now I want to make it clear I think that these rights were necessary and long overdue. I am in no way implying that anyone should be forced to have sex against their own will).

However, I believe the flood of women’s rights has negatively affected the physiology of girls in the sense that I hear more and more stories about women who “threaten”  men with sex. What I means is that if a couple gets into a fight, the girl might say, “We are not having sex for a week.” The women who don’t come forward or verbally express their intentions, but still follow the same behavioral patterns (using sex as a tool for manipulation) are equally as wrong and unjust.
If you are in a committed relationship, the idea that sex is something that needs to be “earned”  is ridiculous. It’s not a reward for good behavior. It’s an important, intimate part of a relationship that should be respected at all times.

I go back to what I said, that no one should be forced into having sex. If your girlfriend doesn’t feel well or isn't "in the mood"  that moment, you as her man need to respect that. But she should never be allowed to withhold the sex for any other reason than that.

MEN: How do we end this?

It’s simple: Sit your girl down and have a conversation with her explaining that you don’t want sex to be a bargaining chip. Then make her promise that she will stay true and honest to this concept. (Maybe keep a calendar of the times you have sex and the times you are fighting. Obviously you can’t expect to get laid ten minutes after a big fight, but if you notice a trend of no sex for 2-3 days after a fight, CALL THAT BITCH OUT!)

Life is often black and white...more than people realize. We are on this earth to eat, shit, sleep, and fuck.  Anyone who tampers with any of these 4 necessities of life deserves to be ridiculed. Too many men let their girls walk over them and play these ridiculous mind games. Don’t let them! It’s your choice to stand up to your girl and tell her how you expect to be treated. After all, YOU ARE THE MAN IN THE RELATIONSHIP. Never forget that. There are too many pushover men in this modern society and women are smart enough that they have recognized it and exploited it.

Big change comes from small actions, so I hope that every man reading this decides that they are done being unfairly treated. We already have to put up with enough bitching from girls who expect us to buy things for them and take them out. So, the LEAST you could do is keep that love coming consistently.

Sex should be an intimate bonding time between you and your partner, not something you look forward to because it only comes around when your girl is in a good mood.

Always remember: Blunts Over Bitches.

-Master G


  1. Your with the wrong girl if she does that so might as well find a willing fuck buddy

  2. Really a lot of girls, but even more MARRIED women.
    Once they have their husband bond to themselves they think they have the relationship in their hands and they even more rely on this type of behaviour.
    Many times they don't even realize what they are doing, they can't understand that they are in fact pushing away their partner not only in bed but in a very general way.
    If only there would be more men sending the bitches to fuck off with someone else when they do this, it would be such a better world.

    1. I agree, I don't know much about married women, seeing that I am a single 22 year old guy. But I have heard stories and seen how married women are portrayed in the medio (TV, movies, etc.) Most of the time they turn down sex because they are "tired", "stressed", "not in the mood", or simply mad at their partner. Media influences people very much and therefore I think the media is also part of the problem.

    2. everyone does that
      don't u know that????????????????????????????????????

  3. this is going on the front page of the sun

    1. The Sun? What do you mean? Can you show me a link?
