Friday, February 3, 2012

My Thoughts: Classifying Hookups

I was thinking to myself the other day...

I hate when things get “confusing” between a woman and I. Do you ever feel the same? Once a couple crosses the physical line (and start engaging in sex), there are always so many confusing emotional factors that lead to miscommunication and eventually, disaster. Before you know it, a casual "booty call" is now stalking you at the club, banging on your door, and blowing up your phone. All because you did not take the time to classify your hookups.  

So I, being the Master of all G’s, came up with this ingenious strategy to classify your hookups. These shouldn’t be viewed negatively. Instead, they should be used as communication tools. So take a few minutes, read them over, then actually take the time to talk it over with to your hookups/partner and make sure you two are on the same page! I promise you, a 5 minute conversation will save a lot of headaches for you and your partner!

The Big Three:

1.         Booty Call: The most simple of the classifications. Keep it quick (or long), keep it clean, and keep it quiet. Booty calls can be fun, hot and passionate. Call when you’re drunk; call when you’re bored, call when no one is home for an hour! Get creative! Booty calls can be a lot of fun! Just make sure emotions do not get involved. Don’t ask, don’t tell, just have fun!
2.         Friends w/benefits: A "friend with benefits" is someone who you actually care about and is someone who you are friends with outside of the bedroom. The only difference between this person and a typical friend is every once and a while you get crazy-hot for each other and do the dirty! You hang out, study, go to parties, give each other life advice, and act how typical friends do. Hooking up is not what your relationship is based on, but it’s sure a great perk! Just remember this person is not exclusively yours...don't get territorial. 
3.         Exclusive Relationships: This is the holy grail! You have caught the trophy fish! You have shot the 12 point buck! Essentially, you found a person who is exclusively worth your time, in and out of the bedroom. You don’t have to be “boyfriend and girlfriend” (although this usually leads to that type of commitment) but the point is you are only giving it up to that one person. 

What do you think? Comment Below:


  1. Friends with benefits hardly works and usually ruins friendships. 85 percent of the time someone will eventually develop stronger feelings and will get territorial

    1. Which is why you must distinguish what type of relationship you want to establish before this happens! Like we said, take the 5 minutes to discuss what you want before things get weird.

    2. fuck hoes get money!

  2. I believe that friends can become lovers and then become exclusive. Friendship is such a big part of a relationship. Friendship allows you to be honest, loving, supportive and understanding. Even when arguments develop...a good friendship prevents the argument from destroying what you have together. It is a blessing when you find someone who you love, want to hang out with, and think about all the time. We first see someone for their looks...attraction of course. But does that person have what it takes to make you feel good about yourself? And can you do the same for that person? If not...move on dear friend.
