Monday, January 6, 2014

My Thoughts: New Years Resolution

I always viewed art school as a place to experiment to find out what worked and didn't work to develop my style as a graphic designer. Therefore, I was only occasionally head of the class because most of the time my work didn't "fit" the guidelines outlined in the assignment. Now that I am a post-graduate and entering the real world, I want to strive to be one of the best designers ever.

Therefore, I am making a New Years Resolution this year, my first ever. This year is special because it's the first time I am working at a job utilizing my college degree. I am publicly stating my resolution so I am accountable for it. I want to work to become a greater designer this year by accomplishing five things:

  1. Do not take "no" for an answer when trying to sell an idea my clients.
  2. Work on projects more efficiently and on time from start to finish.
  3. Create a better line of communication for my clients.
  4. Do not get burned by my clients. Make them accountable for paying for work that is partially or fully complete.
  5. Dedicate more of my time to learning and studying the art of design, printing, illustration, and web to become a more well-rounded designer.

There are many ways to accomplish these goals, too many to get into right now, but I will work on them to take one small step at accomplishing my dreams of becoming the best designer I can be.

- Matt

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