Friday, February 10, 2012

2 Hour Poster Project

I take a course at Central Michigan University called Design Bureau. The class is designed to gain experience in the conception and production of graphic design solutions for real world clients.

For our second assignment, each student was required to make a poster in just 2 hours. We were given written textural information (like location and dates) and a title. The purpose of the project was to conceptualize, sketch, and render a design in a short amount of time in order to simulate a situation where a potential client or employer asks for a design in a short time frame. 

This is the poster I designed. The overall design is minimal (an homage to Swiss design), with a simple 2 color scheme (using complimentary colors; red for the tablecloth and green for the peas), and a simple grid system (an imaginary line down the middle creating a hierarchy for the written information). The font I used was Helvetica (a font traditionally used in the Swiss design movement). I added a drop shadow to the plate, my own twist on the normally flat tradition of Swiss design, to give the plate a sense of naturalism.

What do you think? Good or bad? Comment!

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