Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cool Kid: Jeremy Lin

Image source: Instagram &

Who is Jeremy Lin?

In just 4 NBA games, New York Knicks point gaurd Jeremy Lin has transformed into one of the most electric player in the league. This kid came out of nowhere...first out of Harvard University, then out of the Reno Bighorns, the Erie Bayhawks and finally into the NBA. In the last four games he has scored 25 points and seven assists, 28 and eight assists, 23 and ten assists, and most recently a massive 38 points and seven assists win versus the Lakers...yes the Kobe Bryant show, in explosive fashion. This kid can cut, dunk, cross defenders over, pass, and shoot. He is the total package. And to think, just a week ago he was sleeping on his brothers couch! Read more HERE.

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