Monday, February 13, 2012

My Thoughts: Music vs Design

Since the Master G Blog focuses primarily on music, design, and art I thought I would hit on a topic I have been thinking about lately.

In more ways than one, music and design are very closely related. Both Master G and I have been making art and music for most of our lives and formal art training has taught me that both share the same principles.

Both art and music creation require rhythm, repetition, balance, and variety.

  • Rhythm (also known as a pattern) is essentially the repetition of elements such as a drum line or multiple lines in a painting. Rhythm can give the work a sense of movement or direction.

  • Balance is the arrangement of elements or instruments so that no one part of a work overpowers any other part. Without balance, music is no longer pleasant and art is no longer visually appealing.

  • Variety is the quality of having different forms. In music, variety is using different instruments to create a cohesive song. 
So as you can see, music and art are more closely related than you may think! And remember, I've learned that sometimes arranging elements of design or music in a slightly imperfect way can yield better results than a robotic-like, perfect arrangement.

Have Fun!

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